Monday, February 12, 2018


He was lucky. Leaf he used to wipe his ass was wide enough to cover the entire critical area, yet wasn't stinging, thorny or coarse. Groan came out of pleasure, not relief, when he heared hustling down by the lake shore.

He laid low, unable to decide wether to pull up his breeches or remain hidden as first priority. Through the leaves he managed to see a black clad figure and he decided to be still. Newcomer climbed down to the lake then after brief respite, moved again.

Using the moment of rustle by the strange figure, he pulled up his breeches as and tied them tight. Then went on all fours and climbed up the rocky outcrop overlooking the shore. Though branches and bushes obstructed some of the view, he did manage to see curly red hair and a bit of skin. Only when figure waded into the lake water, he noticed it's a girl. He hugged the rock tighter, craning his neck like a turtle, hoping to catch a glimpse of something more than red lock of hair and naked shoulder.

Just when he was ready to give up, girl decided to stand up. Flaming red locks ran rivulets that caressed her shoulders, small breasts, dissipating around her hips. Nipples were small and dark red, and her bush just a whisp of hazel color. Her ribs were visible, even more pronounced once she raised her left arm, wiry rather than lithe. Pale skin was dotted with dark discoloration stamps; above her hip, inside her knee, just under her breast, next to clavicle. Considering the space, irregular color and shape of the smudges, he concluded those must be bruises. Not simple bruising, but proper bloody hematomas.

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